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World Bank Country and Lending Groups

For the current 2025 fiscal year, low-income economies are defined as those with a GNI per capita, calculated using the World Bank Atlas method, of $1,145 or less in 2023; lower middle-income economies are those with a GNI per capita between $1,146 and $4,515; upper middle-income economies are those with a GNI per capita between $4,516 and $14,005; high-income economies are those with more than a GNI per capita of $14,005.

Please note: Regions in this table include economies at all income levels. The term country, used interchangeably with economy, does not imply political independence but refers to any territory for which authorities report separate social or economic statistics. Click here for information about how the World Bank classifies countries.

You can also download the current classification by income in XLSX format and the historical classification by income in XLSX format.

To explore the world by income and region with interactive tables and maps, please visit the World Development Indicators website.

East Asia and Pacific Low-income economies IDA
Europe and Central Asia Lower-middle-income economies Blend
Latin America & the Caribbean Upper-middle-income economies IBRD
Middle East and North Africa High-income economies
North America
South Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa

Bold indicates a change of classification.



American Samoa Korea, Rep. Papua New Guinea
Australia Lao PDR Philippines
Brunei Darussalam Macao SAR, China Samoa
Cambodia Malaysia Singapore
China Marshall Islands Solomon Islands
Fiji Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Taiwan, China
French Polynesia Mongolia Thailand
Guam Myanmar Timor-Leste
Hong Kong SAR, China Nauru Tonga
Indonesia New Caledonia Tuvalu
Japan New Zealand Vanuatu
Kiribati Northern Mariana Islands Vietnam
Korea, Dem. People's Rep. Palau



Albania Gibraltar Norway
Andorra Greece Poland
Armenia Greenland Portugal
Austria Hungary Romania
Azerbaijan Iceland Russian Federation
Belarus Ireland San Marino
Belgium Isle of Man Serbia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Italy Slovak Republic
Bulgaria Kazakhstan Slovenia
Channel Islands Kosovo Spain
Croatia Kyrgyz Republic Sweden
Cyprus Latvia Switzerland
Czechia Liechtenstein Tajikistan
Denmark Lithuania Türkiye
Estonia Luxembourg Turkmenistan
Faroe Islands Moldova Ukraine
Finland Monaco United Kingdom
France Montenegro Uzbekistan
Georgia Netherlands
Germany North Macedonia



Antigua and Barbuda Curacao Paraguay
Argentina Dominica Peru
Aruba Dominican Republic Puerto Rico
Bahamas, The Ecuador Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
Barbados El Salvador St. Kitts and Nevis
Belize Grenada St. Lucia
Bolivia Guatemala St. Martin (French part)
Brazil Guyana St. Vincent and the Grenadines
British Virgin Islands Haiti Suriname
Cayman Islands Honduras Trinidad and Tobago
Chile Jamaica Turks and Caicos Islands
Colombia Mexico Uruguay
Costa Rica Nicaragua Venezuela, RB
Cuba Panama Virgin Islands (U.S.)



Algeria Jordan Qatar
Bahrain Kuwait Saudi Arabia
Djibouti Lebanon Syrian Arab Republic
Egypt, Arab Rep. Libya Tunisia
Iran, Islamic Rep. Malta United Arab Emirates
Iraq Morocco West Bank and Gaza
Israel Oman Yemen, Rep.



Bermuda Canada United States



Afghanistan India Pakistan
Bangladesh Maldives Sri Lanka
Bhutan Nepal



Angola Ethiopia Niger
Benin Gabon Nigeria
Botswana Gambia, The Rwanda
Burkina Faso Ghana São Tomé and Principe
Burundi Guinea Senegal
Cabo Verde Guinea-Bissau Seychelles
Cameroon Kenya Sierra Leone
Central African Republic Lesotho Somalia
Chad Liberia South Africa
Comoros Madagascar South Sudan
Congo, Dem. Rep. Malawi Sudan
Congo, Rep Mali Tanzania
Côte d'Ivoire Mauritania Togo
Equatorial Guinea Mauritius Uganda
Eritrea Mozambique Zambia
Eswatini Namibia Zimbabwe



Afghanistan Korea, Dem. People's Rep 
South Sudan
Burkina Faso Liberia
Burundi Madagascar
Syrian Arab Republic  
Central African Republic Malawi
Chad Mali
Congo, Dem. Rep Mozambique
Yemen, Rep.
Eritrea Niger

Ethiopia Rwanda

Gambia, The Sierra Leone



Angola Honduras Papua New Guinea  
Bangladesh India Philippines
Benin Jordan Samoa
Bhutan Kenya São Tomé and Principe
Bolivia Kiribati Senegal
Cabo Verde Kyrgyz Republic   Solomon Islands  
Cambodia Lao PDR   Sri Lanka
Cameroon Lebanon Tajikistan
Comoros Lesotho Tanzania
Congo, Rep.   Mauritania Timor-Leste
Côte d'Ivoire   Micronesia, Fed. Sts.   Tunisia
Djibouti Morocco Uzbekistan
Egypt, Arab Rep. Myanmar Vanuatu
Eswatini Nepal Vietnam
Ghana Nicaragua West Bank and Gaza
Guinea Nigeria Zambia
Haiti Pakistan Zimbabwe



Albania Equatorial Guinea   Moldova
Algeria Fiji Mongolia
Argentina Gabon Montenegro
Armenia Georgia Namibia
Azerbaijan Grenada North Macedonia
Belarus Guatemala Paraguay
Belize Indonesia Peru  
Bosnia and Herzegovina   Iran, Islamic Rep. Serbia
Botswana Iraq South Africa
Brazil Jamaica St. Lucia
China Kazakhstan St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Colombia Kosovo Suriname
Costa Rica   Libya Thailand
Cuba Malaysia Tonga
Dominica Maldives Türkiye
Dominican Republic   Marshall Islands   Turkmenistan
Ecuador Mauritius Tuvalu
El Salvador Mexico Ukraine



American Samoa Gibraltar Palau
Andorra Greece Panama
Antigua and Barbuda   Greenland Poland
Aruba Guam Portugal
Australia Guyana Puerto Rico
Austria Hong Kong SAR, China   Qatar
Bahamas, The   Hungary Romania
Bahrain Iceland Russian Federation
Barbados Ireland San Marino
Belgium Isle of Man   Saudi Arabia
Bermuda Israel Seychelles
British Virgin Islands   Italy Singapore
Brunei Darussalam   Japan Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
Bulgaria Korea, Rep.   Slovak Republic
Canada Kuwait Slovenia
Cayman Islands   Latvia Spain
Channel Islands   Liechtenstein St. Kitts and Nevis
Chile Lithuania St. Martin (French part)
Croatia Luxembourg Sweden
Curaçao Macao SAR, China   Switzerland
Cyprus Malta Taiwan, China
Czechia Monaco Trinidad and Tobago
Denmark Nauru Turks and Caicos Islands
Estonia Netherlands United Arab Emirates
Faroe Islands   New Caledonia   United Kingdom
Finland New Zealand   United States
France Northern Mariana Islands   Uruguay
French Polynesia   Norway Virgin Islands (U.S.)
Germany Oman  


Afghanistan Haiti Rwanda
Bangladesh Honduras Samoa
Benin Kiribati São Tomé and Principe
Bhutan Kosovo   Senegal
Burkina Faso Kyrgyz Republic Sierra Leone
Burundi Lao PDR Solomon Islands
Cambodia Lesotho Somalia
Central African Republic Liberia South Sudan
Chad Madagascar Sri Lanka
Comoros Malawi Sudan
Congo, Dem. Rep. Maldives Syrian Arab Republic
Côte d'Ivoire Mali Tajikistan
Djibouti Marshall Islands Tanzania
Eritrea Mauritania Togo
Ethiopia Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Tonga
Gambia, The Mozambique Tuvalu
Ghana Myanmar Uganda
Guinea Nepal Vanuatu
Guinea-Bissau Nicaragua Yemen, Rep.
Guyana Niger Zambia


Belize Fiji St. Lucia
Cabo Verde   Grenada St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Cameroon Kenya Timor-Leste
Congo, Rep. Nigeria Uzbekistan
Dominica Pakistan Zimbabwe
Eswatini Papua New Guinea



Albania Equatorial Guinea Palau
Algeria Gabon Panama
Angola Georgia Paraguay
Antigua and Barbuda Guatemala Peru
Argentina India Philippines
Armenia Indonesia Poland
Azerbaijan Iran, Islamic Rep. Romania
Barbados Iraq Russian Federation
Belarus Jamaica Serbia
Bolivia Jordan Seychelles
Bosnia and Herzegovina Kazakhstan South Africa
Botswana Lebanon St. Kitts and Nevis
Brazil Libya Suriname
Bulgaria Malaysia Thailand
Chile Mauritius Trinidad and Tobago
China Mexico Tunisia
Colombia Moldova Türkiye
Costa Rica Mongolia Turkmenistan
Croatia Montenegro Ukraine
Dominican Republic Morocco Uruguay
Ecuador Namibia Venezuela, RB
Egypt, Arab Rep. Nauru Vietnam
El Salvador North Macedonia
Note: Venezuela, RB classified as an upper-middle income country until FY21, has been unclassified since then due to the unavailability of data.

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