România Salt laPerspective Economice Globale - PrognozeProiecte şi operaţiiFinanţeStudiiClimăOverviewBy ThemeBy SDG GoalTopicSocialEconomicEnvironmentInstitutionsSocialIndicatorMost recent valueTrendIndicele de sărăcie la 1,90$ pe zi (PPP) (% din populaţie)Indicele de sărăcie la 1,90$ pe zi (PPP) (% din populaţie)Most recent value(2021)1,8(2021)TrendSperanţa de viaţă la naştere, totală (ani)Speranţa de viaţă la naştere, totală (ani)Most recent value(2022)75(2022)TrendPopulaţie totalăPopulaţie totalăMost recent value(2023)19.056.116(2023)TrendCreşterea populaţiei (% anual)Creşterea populaţiei (% anual)Most recent value(2023)0,0(2023)TrendMigraţia netăMigraţia netăMost recent value(2023)-254.616(2023)TrendHuman Capital Index (HCI) (scale 0-1)Human Capital Index (HCI) (scale 0-1)Most recent value(2020)0,6(2020)TrendEconomicIndicatorMost recent valueTrendPIB (US$ actuali)PIB (US$ actuali)current US$constant US$current LCUconstant LCUMost recent value(2023 miliarde)351(2023 miliarde)TrendPIB pe cap de locuitor (US$ actuali)PIB pe cap de locuitor (US$ actuali)current US$constant US$current LCUconstant LCUMost recent value(2023)18.419,4(2023)TrendCreşterea PIB (% anual)Creşterea PIB (% anual)Most recent value(2023)2,1(2023)TrendŞomaj, total (% din totalul forţei de muncă)Şomaj, total (% din totalul forţei de muncă)Most recent value(2023)5,6(2023)TrendInflaţia, preţurile de consum (% anual)Inflaţia, preţurile de consum (% anual)Most recent value(2023)10,4(2023)TrendPersonal remittances, received (% of GDP)Personal remittances, received (% of GDP)Most recent value(2023)2,8(2023)TrendEnvironmentIndicatorMost recent valueTrendEmisii de CO2 (tone metrice pe cap de locuitor)Emisii de CO2 (tone metrice pe cap de locuitor)Most recent value(2020)3,6(2020)TrendForest area (% of land area)Forest area (% of land area)Most recent value(2021)30,1(2021)TrendAccess to electricity (% of population)Access to electricity (% of population)Most recent value(2022)100,0(2022)TrendRetrageri anuale de apă dulce, total (% din resursele interne)Retrageri anuale de apă dulce, total (% din resursele interne)Most recent value(2020)15(2020)TrendElectricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (% of total)Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (% of total)Most recent value(2015)14,5(2015)TrendPeople using safely managed sanitation services (% of population)People using safely managed sanitation services (% of population)Most recent value(2022)88(2022)TrendInstitutionsIndicatorMost recent valueTrendIntentional homicides (per 100,000 people)Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people)Most recent value(2021)1(2021)TrendDatoria administraţiei centrale, total (% din PIB)Datoria administraţiei centrale, total (% din PIB)Most recent value(2022)50,5(2022)TrendStatistical performance indicators (SPI): Overall score (scale 0-100)Statistical performance indicators (SPI): Overall score (scale 0-100)Most recent value(2022)84,3(2022)TrendIndividuals using the Internet (% of population)Individuals using the Internet (% of population)Most recent value(2023)89(2023)TrendProportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (%)Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (%)Most recent value(2023)19(2023)TrendForeign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP)Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP)Most recent value(2023)2,4(2023)Trend
Proiecte şi operaţiiIBRD/IDA Operations Approved by Fiscal Year$625.26 millionFY2017New and Supplemental Projects by Fiscal Year2 FY2017
FinanţeSummary of IBRD Loans$422.90 millionVărsată la data 31 mai 2022Original Principal AmountCancelled AmountDisbursed AmountUndisbursed AmountBorrower's ObligationSummary of Contributions to Financial Intermediary Funds$66.67 thousandPlătită la data 31 dec. 2013
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