Private Sector Jump toDoing BusinessEnterprise SurveysHousehold Consumption Data and StatisticsProjects & OperationsFinancesFeatured indicatorsDomestic credit to private sector (% of GDP)ShareDetailsLabel
Projects & OperationsIBRD/IDA Operations Approved by Fiscal Year$5.28 billionFY2018Industry & TradeNew and Supplemental Projects by Fiscal Year28 FY2018Industry & Trade
Featured indicatorsBusiness extent of disclosure index (0=less disclosure to 10=more disclosure)Depth of credit information index (0=low to 8=high)Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP)Ease of doing business rank (1=most business-friendly regulations)Firms experiencing electrical outages (% of firms)Firms experiencing losses due to theft and vandalism (% of firms)Firms that spend on R&D (% of firms)Firms using banks to finance working capital (% of firms)Firms visited or required meetings with tax officials (% of firms)Firms with female participation in ownership (% of firms)Firms with female top manager (% of firms)Fuel exports (% of merchandise exports)High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports)High-technology exports (current US$)International tourism, expenditures (% of total imports)International tourism, receipts (% of total exports)Investment in energy with private participation (current US$)Investment in transport with private participation (current US$)Investment in water and sanitation with private participation (current US$)Lead time to export, median case (days)Lead time to import, median case (days)Logistics performance index: Overall (1=low to 5=high)Medium and high-tech exports (% manufactured exports)Merchandise exports (current US$)Merchandise imports (current US$)Merchandise trade (% of GDP)Net barter terms of trade index (2015 = 100)New businesses registered (number)Ores and metals exports (% of merchandise exports)Start-up procedures to register a business (number)Start-up procedures to register a business, female (number)Start-up procedures to register a business, male (number)Strength of legal rights index (0=weak to 12=strong)Time required to get electricity (days)Time required to start a business (days)Time required to start a business, female (days)Time required to start a business, male (days)Time spent dealing with the requirements of government regulations (% of senior management time)Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit)