Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage (% of GNI)
Household Consumption Data and Statistics
Featured indicators
- Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage (% of GNI)
- Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (% of GDP)
- Central government debt, total (% of GDP)
- Charges for the use of intellectual property, payments (BoP, current US$)
- Charges for the use of intellectual property, receipts (BoP, current US$)
- Current account balance (BoP, current US$)
- Expense (% of GDP)
- Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)
- External debt stocks (% of GNI)
- External debt stocks, total (DOD, current US$)
- Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$)
- GDP (current US$)
- GDP growth (annual %)
- GDP per capita (current US$)
- GDP per capita growth (annual %)
- GDP per capita, PPP (current international $)
- GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$)
- GNI per capita, PPP (current international $)
- GNI, Atlas method (current US$)
- GNI, PPP (current international $)
- Grants, excluding technical cooperation (BoP, current US$)
- Gross capital formation (% of GDP)
- Gross savings (% of GDP)
- Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)
- Industry (including construction), value added (% of GDP)
- Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)
- Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %)
- Medium and high-tech manufacturing value added (% manufacturing value added)
- Net ODA received (% of GNI)
- Net ODA received per capita (current US$)
- Net official development assistance received (current US$)
- Personal remittances, received (current US$)
- PPP conversion factor, GDP (LCU per international $)
- Price level ratio of PPP conversion factor (GDP) to market exchange rate
- Revenue, excluding grants (% of GDP)
- Short-term debt (% of total reserves)
- Technical cooperation grants (BoP, current US$)
- Total debt service (% of exports of goods, services and primary income)
- Total reserves (includes gold, current US$)